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White capuchin of the coast

​ Cebus Albifrons Ecuatorialis


It is located in the coastal zone, mainly in wet forests and semi humid. This is one of the most traded species at national and international level, and is the most intelligent American monkeys. They are in danger of extinction due to hunting and pet traders. The Capuchins have a wide variety of colors ranging from white, yellow, gray, yellow, and black. They have a semi-prehensile tail (which can enter), its weight is less than 3kg. They eat insects, leaves, fruits, etc.. They are nomadic / roaming, they live in herds, and make noise, they are aggressive and unpredictable. Their gestation period is 6 months and they have one small litter.

Howler monkey
Alouatta Palliata


They live north of the coast, in very pristine rainforests and where the presence of men is rare. This is a species that is endangered or vulnerable due to the forest exploitation and hunting of this species , for his blood in order to treat diseases such as asthma , which has no scientific credit , and sell them as pets. characterized for pharyngeal cartilage and the hyoid bone well developed , through which they can make very loud sounds , the male can be heard more than 4 miles away . They live in herds of 8, 10, 15, up to 30 individuals. The male is dominant , it is he who defends his territory against other wildlife , it has a prehensile tail (which can enter ) , males have hair silverbacks . They are herbivores and feed mainly on leaves and fruit. Their gestation period is 7 months and gives birth to a single offspring.


Spider monkey of the coast or Brown-headed spider monkey

Ateles Fusciceps


He lives in the western part of the coast. Its color is blackish with a clear coat on the head and a little smaller than the brown belly. Its power, its habits and social life are similar to the case of the east, but it is very affected and is about to disappear, which is why it is found in the Red Book of endangered species of extinction.

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